Saturday, May 08, 2010

Devil's Scandal-- Prologue

Devil’s Scandal



I don’t really know what went wrong with my life. I used to have it all. I came from a rich and powerful family. The Hirata clan was the most powerful family in Tokyo. They owned all things beautiful. For generations, they were art dealers. Hirata’s art dealership was the best in the country. My grandfather proudly told me the rags to riches story over and over during my childhood. Apparently, my family started out poor, but we built ourselves up to the top where we are today. (Okay, there might be some myths hiding there, but I didn’t care at the time. I was just proud of my family as much as my grandfather was.) I was to be the heir to that mighty dynasty. That wasn’t all that I had going for me. I had always grown up as a social butterfly. I had many friends throughout my school days. Many tried to get my phone number. None of them could ever get close to me. All except for one. I’ll talk about him later.
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