Saturday, February 19, 2011

Chapter Eight: The Death of a Star:

Chapter Eight: The Death of a Star:

For the next five weeks, nothing happened. I brushed off Kaoru’s threat from that night. Maybe he won’t do anything after all. Now, my life can truly go back to normal. It did; for a little while. Aki and my families all had dinner together. I tried my best not to think about Kaoru’s threat. He does not own me. I am marrying Aki and that’s final. Aki’s mother made us a great dinner. It’s only been him and her for so many years. His father died when he was really small. So, my fiancée had to be the man of the house. I get the feeling that his mother is going to be living with us after we get married. It’s actually not as bad as it sounds. His mother is a nice woman. Aki’s mother stood up from the table.

“I would like to offer a toast to my son and his soon-to-be bride!” she said.

“Hail, hail!” we said. We toasted to our union and took a drink. As we all drank to the engagement, I happened to look out the window and see Kaoru looking at me with anger in his eyes. Or at least I thought I did. I blinked hard to see if I was imagining things. I felt a slight nudge in my side. I looked over and saw Aki looking at me.

“Something wrong?” he asked. I lightly shook my head.

“N-Nothing,” I lied. “I just thought I saw something outside.”

“What was it?” Aki asked. I looked out at the window as he asked me that. I didn’t see anything anymore. I shook my head again.

“I don’t know what,” I said. “But it’s gone now.” He still looked at me.

“You sure?” Aki whispered. I nodded once. He just let it drop off from there.

“Hey, got anything interesting to share with us?” a voice asked us. Aki and I looked up to see my aunt and the rest of our families staring at us. My love and I quickly shook our heads.

“No!” we quickly lied. Our families quickly brushed it off and went back to talking. I settled back into normal once more. No more problems, hopefully.

The next three days were just normal. Aki and I were getting closer than ever. We even took time planning our wedding for the fall. No signs of Kaoru at all. That was probably for the best. Five more days passed and nothing happened. I began to think Kaoru’s words were nothing more than just an idle threat. Maybe he just wanted to scare me.

However, his threats became real one morning in July. I was sound asleep in my bed when it happened. My bedroom door burst open wide.

“Setsuna! Get up! It’s an emergency!” my mother cried. I slowly woke up.

“Wha? What’s the matter mom?” I murmured. She only shoved the newspaper in front of me. Half-asleep, I read the front page. My eyes widened at the headline.

“Momma,” I said. “This can’t be right!” She nodded at me with tears in her eyes. My fiancée, Aki, was dead. They were not sure what had happened. The cleaning lady found him outside of the house where he and his mother lived. I didn’t know what to think at first. I looked up at my mother again.

“Tell me this is a bad dream!” I choked out. She shook her head at me with tears in her eyes. I felt as if a black hole had opened up within me and sucked all of me inside. I just seemed to stare out into space. Aki’s dead? How could that be? I just talked to him last night on the phone. Everything was fine between. Then, I began to remember Kaoru’s warning weeks ago. I shut my eyes tightly. It couldn’t have been him. I really wished that I believed that.

“I think I’m going to be sick!” I said. Then, I jumped out of bed and ran all the way to the bathroom. My mother didn’t stop me at all. I ran into the bathroom and locked myself inside. I turned on the shower and the faucet and sank down to the floor, crying. How could that monster do this to me? Kaoru does not own me! I am a human being! I am my own person! He cannot do this to me! Well, refuse to run to him crying after this! I rather die than to love such a soulless monster!

I spent most of my day with Aki’s mother. The poor woman wouldn’t even let me in the house at first. I managed to coax her into letting me in. It took an hour before she finally let me in again. We stayed in the living room during my whole visit. Aki’s mother just cried on my lap the whole time. I lightly stroked her hair while she wept. I couldn’t imagine her pain of losing a husband and a son. At one point, Aki’s mom looked up at me.

“Don’t leave me!” she pleaded. I kindly nodded at her. I lightly held her hand.

“I will,” I whispered to her. Aki’s mother just cried heavily in my lap again. She and I planned a small funeral. It was held five days later. Only my family, Aki’s mother, my friends, and I came. The ceremony lasted for a short time before my love was cremated. After that, we went to his favorite restaurant and had dinner. Nobody talked the entire time. I just couldn’t feel anything anymore. My head wasn’t even connected to reality at the moment. I kept hoping the whole time that this was just a bad dream. Halfway through dinner, I began to realize that this wasn’t a dream at all. Aki was really dead and Kaoru killed him.

That night, I just spent the rest of the time in my room after I took bath. I practically locked the door and got dressed for bed. I just felt numb and empty inside. I just wanted to be left alone. That didn’t last long however. I sensed someone standing over me. I looked up to see Kaoru standing over me again. Normally, I would have been angry at him. But, Aki’s death took everything out of me. I just sighed at that monster.

“Hello…” I mumbled. Kaoru smiled at me wickedly.

“Anything I can do for you, my lady?” he asked.

“Yes,” I replied sadly. “Undress me.” He smiled at me wickedly.

“As you wish, my lady,” Kaoru replied. His hands grasped at my pajama top and slowly began unbuttoning it. I didn’t even resist him. I just let him do as he will with me. I don’t really care. I was just numb. It wouldn’t have matter anyway.

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